I cried when I watched a performance in Night of the Proms. I think it was Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins. The voices of hundreds filled the Royal Albert Hall. A throng, shoulder-to-shoulder in Hyde Park. All voices lifted. Cares set...
Ever had a cancelled flight? A long layover? A 20+ hour journey home? As you sit on the hard bench with the “ding-dong” sound of flight numbers being announced and passengers who are MIA, you watch the clock tick. The hands...
I can’t believe that you are no longer my baby. Although I’ve known it for a while, it’s now staring me in the face as you clock over to 2! So much has happened since that Wednesday morning two years ago....
Feeling all the feels this week! Monday Two more sleeps until Older goes to school. Like every parent, I can’t believe that this day is upon us so quickly. I have mixed emotions. For a long time I’ve wanted to be...
The first day of school is exciting but can also be hard for everyone. Parents have to swallow the fact that their kiddies are growing up. Teachers have to teach all the rules again and get to know a new set of...
Dear South African, Some of you take life’s trials in your stride and choose not to be sunk by the wave rather to ride it out. I wish I could pick up my surfboard like you! By contrast, each day when...
Have you wondered what will come up when our grandchildren put 2020 into a Google search? I sure have! I’ve gone as far as to think that my mask and my hand sanitiser bottle will be worth hundreds of rands as a...
Dear Mr President, Words fail me as I sit here mid-lockdown to write this letter. It will not be eloquent. But I would like to think that it expresses what many South Africans think of you. A month ago, our...
The world has been thrown into chaos. There doesn’t seem to be an escape. No matter where we go, we will find masks, isolation, quarantine, hand sanitiser and elbow bumping all because of a mutation of flu. It has sent the world...
We all woke up this morning I bet, knowing that we have one final day of freedom to go beyond the boundary without any restrictions. Well, I took it and went out into the fresh, clean air of the new day for...