I think the word “Mom” defines the person taken most for granted in this world. The person who has a thankless job. The person who does everything and yet no one notices anything. The person who is always busy. The person who...
If you are an A-type personality like me, you will know that organisation, cleanliness and control are things that keep us ticking. Lists in linear form make us feel motivated. At least, that’s the case with me. We can’t think in a...
“Momming” is flipping hard! And sometimes, it would have been helpful to have a heads-up! So, ladies, in all seriousness, here are some things I wish I could tell other mothers to make their first time experience that much easier! Â Choose...
Who doesnât love a clean house, right? When I was still living with my parents, I spring cleaned my room bi-annually, I would seek out admirers in the house and show them each step of the way of what I had accomplished â...
This last week, I hosted an AMA session. Yip, I had no clue what that was either! Itâs basically a website that allows others to âAsk Me Anythingâ. Honestly, I thought I would get a whole lot of random questions that didnât relate...
You know those homes. The ones where you feel at peace the moment you step through the door. Each air diffuser in its place letting of some sweet fragrance. A blooming Woolies orchid on display in front of each big framed mirror and...
Yes, I am the dummy. I am that gullible idiot who just reads the first easy-read-how-to-become-famous blog post and then minutes later, pays $99 to register a blog with a host website. So, if youâve done this, Iâm here to say...