Raising Bonus Kids
July 31, 2020
in Mommyhood
I like to believe that some parents end up raising bonus blessing because God gets so impressed with our parenting skills that He just has to expose them to more children. I have been a deputy parent for over a year and...
The Yes/No Mom
July 5, 2020
in Mommyhood
I have known both these precious moms, Kate and Steph, for much of their lives. (See The No Mom and The Yes Mom) I remember the play dates, the accounts of playground princess games and their mutual love for Jesus. Both fathers...
The “Yes Mom”
June 27, 2020
in Mommyhood
Have let my child eat cake for breakfast? Check. Have let my child make massive puddles around the kitchen sink while I read a book? Check. Have let my child go to bed without a bath after playing in the sandpit? What’s a...
The “No Mom”
June 17, 2020
in Mommyhood
I’m a child’s worst nightmare. I’m the “No Mom”. I’m not the “Middle-of-the-Road Mom. And I’m definitely not the cool “Yes Mom”! I am the spoilsport, the fun killer and the hard, cold, “No Mom”. I say no to playing in...
Walking a Tightrope
April 23, 2020
in Mommyhood
As a little girl, I had a short list of possible dream professions. A teacher; a singer; an author; a counsellor for women considering abortion and a trapeze artist. An interesting conglomeration of fields! The trapeze artist was probably the most short-lived...
Your First Birthday
March 1, 2020
in Mommyhood

3 Day Potty Training
January 28, 2020
in Mommyhood

Losing Baby Crew
December 30, 2019
in Mommyhood