Francie (A.K.A Mom) has known me longer than anyone else who has walked the earth. This amazing woman raised me! I have many memories of her being at stay-at-home mom making crunchies and lemon juice. She would bring us tea in our tea sets while we played Barbies and bake her legendary chocolate cake for our birthdays. She was also a co-founder of Grace College and served there for many years. Francie (so weird to type out her name!) is also the doting grandmother to my two beautiful girls!
What Job Do You Have?
I teach English at Grace College, where I have taught for 21 years.
Married or Single?
I have been married to my husband John for 33 years. He is the pastor of Christ Church in Hilton, so I am a pastor’s wife too.
I have two beautiful, special daughters – Kate (30) and Amy (28).
What is your Comfort Food?
My comfort food is definitely chocolate – and rusks!
Drink of choice?
Best Mom Moment
That’s hard! Nothing much compares with the actual moment of the birth of one’s child, but there have been many others! I loved cuddling and reading to my girls when they were little or having movie nights with them or singing them to sleep!
Funniest thing your child has said
Perhaps Amy telling us she wanted to be a ‘mommy builder’ when she grew up…
What do you do during “downtime”?
I love reading, gardening, crocheting and sleeping!
Francie’s upcoming post is “The Yes/No Mom”.
Tags: guest, guest blog, meet, mom, no mom, post, welcome, yes mom
Hey been such a long time since we saw you guys . Kids all grownup and leading g their own lives (but still return home and check what is in the fridge)
Were chatting about you guys this past weekend!!
Lots of love from Russ and Em