Glad you’re here! I’m Kate. I am not super woman (although I’d like to be!) and I’m far from having it all together! You won’t find a made-up mommy with an immaculate home! I’m just a regular woman around 30 who loves to write. You’ll find my messy and honest thoughts on motherhood, marriage and life as well as the expectations that drown us as women to multi-task. Being a wife, mom, friend, mentor, and house keeper and aiming to do it all well (not just falling over the finish line in pure exhaustion each day) is enough to put anyone in a mad house! So this is just a bit of how I try (and fail regularly!) to wear all the hats!
My husband and I met at a very new, very small school. He was dubbed “The Babe Magnet” and I was the naive principal’s daughter. Long story short, “Babe Magnet” fell for principal’s daughter. We started dating his first year out of school when I was 15 and got married 7 years later.
Our married life has seen an whirlwind overseas trip 3 months after our wedding, moving house 3 times in a year, building our home from the ground up and multiple jobs.
We have two beautiful girls – a chatty, well-spoken toddler and a cute but colicky baby. Some days are filled with laughter and coos. Others are weighed with tears and tantrums.
We live in a house that is way to big for the four of us with our cat and a small chocolate stash.