Steph Ebert has been my closest friend for 23 years! We went to school together, slept over at each other’s houses, indulged in peppermint crisp pudding and made up secret handshakes. We “finish each other’s sandwiches” and know pretty much all there is to know about one another. She studied at Taylor University in the USA where she met her husband David. She is the mother to two boys and they live in a tiny house in our backyard!


What Job Do You Have?

I work part time doing communications for a local community development organisation.


Married or Single?

I’ve been married for 8 years.



I have a three year old boy and a one year old boy


What is your Comfort Food?



Drink of choice?

Real Coffee


Best Mom Moment

I love when we are all snuggled together in bed reading stories and hearing how my toddler’s mind works!


Funniest thing your child has said

This is hard! Maybe the other day when he wanted to know why the Pharisees wanted to wrestle Jesus– wasn’t Jesus the strongest? Took a while to explain “arrest”!


What do you do during “downtime”

I loves to read! I am reading a book on racism in the church right now. Good…but hard-hitting. So then I read a fluffy book at the same time! I love Little Women.


Steph’s upcoming post is The “Yes Mom“.

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