Danielle was a friend of a friend in school. I saw her once a year at birthday parties. We slowly got to know each other better and she spent the night at my house after the matric dance with a group of friends. I followed her closely on Facebook when she and her hubby packed up their things and moved in faith, with no jobs lined up, to the UK. There, their first child was born at 24 weeks! I was online many times a day, praying he’d make it through and he did. Since moving back to South Africa, they have adopted another little boy and live on a school premises where her husband works.


What Job Do You Have?

I work within the marketing department (as a design coordinator) at a local school.


Married or Single?

I have been married to my husband, Ross (who is Head of Sport at another school) for 7.5 years.



I am the proud mum of two boys: Jedd (6) and Zekhethelo (3)


What is your Comfort Food?

Fresh, lightly salted popcorn – there is honestly nothing better! 🙂


Drink of choice?

I would love to set a great example for my kids by saying ‘water’, but I guess lying isn’t setting the best example either! [Sigh.] Coke!


Best Mom Moment

Really any time that I get to laugh together with my boys, which is often! They both have a great sense of humour (although they have to with Ross and I as parents!)


Funniest thing your child has said

Jedd: When he saw a picture of me pregnant and I told him he was in my tummy, he asked, with a look of horror on his face: “Why?! Did you eat me?”
Zeke: Sho, too many to mention! 🙂 One day, in a particularly thoughtful mood: “Where on earth am I going to find a wife?”

What do you do during “downtime”?

I love spending quality time with my family, reading a good crime novel with a cup of tea in hand and most recently, I’ve started writing children’s books (although whether or not they will never get to a publisher, I don’t know!) 🙂


Danielle’s upcoming post is “Colour Blind”.

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